2002, més que un repàs un somni

Angel Pascual

31/01/02. (Sala 201)

ÁNGEL PASCUAL RODRIGO (half of the pictorial brotherhood) 

Opening: Thursday, January 31, 2002 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 

Closing: February 28 

From Monday to Saturday. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 


We wanted the exact opening and closing dates to coincide with those of that LABYRINTH that, under our signature of LA HERMANDAD PICTÓRICA ARAGONESA, my brother and I set up in this same space 25 YEARS ago —the one whose title was 2001, EL PRINCIPIO Y EL FIN EN LA FIESTA DE SAN MARTÍN (2001, the beginning and the end in the festival of sant martin) and that came to conclude that first mythical period of La Sala Vinçon, with its revolving around conceptuality. 

As I thought about this space again, ideas and images boiled up. And when distilling them I thought more of a dream game than a look back. It is therefore not a question of a retrospective to use or a sentimental reconstruction. But an awareness of what happens and what remains of the distant and near illusions: A current work based on the meeting of two of my works from then with some of the recent ones. 

Here everything has its reason. Each work, each assembly element and the entire set. 

The formats of the works range from 24 x 29 cm. Up to 300 x 100 x 560 cm. of the LARGO CAMINAR DEL ERRANTE. The techniques and supports used are also diverse: oil, acrylic, pencil, lithography, digital printing… cloth, paper, glass, wood… and lighting, which acts as a catalyst for the illusory reaction. 

The components are: 

1. LAS HUELLAS DEL LABERINTO (The footprints of the labyrinth)
2. LARGO CAMINAR DEL ERRANTE (A long walk of the errant)
3. ESPEJISMOS, ILUSIONES Y SUEÑOS DE VENUS (Mirrors, illusions and dreams of Venus)
4. LUCES Y REFLEJOS PICTÓRICOS (Pictorial lights and reflexes)