Construir De_construir
Teresa Estapé
03/03/2012. (Sala 283)
Build De_Build
To build, to deconstruct, to transform, to create without matter, are concepts that thread the project in four places at the same time: Santa Monica Art Center, Vinçon, Magnolia Antic and Santa Eulàlia.
To build: to bear witness to the slowness of a manual process that today seems forgotten and outdated,
To deconstruct: to get rid of the material, not to remain fixed to anything, to live a process of transformation;
To create without matter: to highlight the things that are there but that are not seen with the eyes, what lies beneath the appearance…
Teresa Estapé works in this project with two materials: steel thread and upholstery nails. She will initiate the installation in three exhibition spaces at the same time, open to the public so that the evolution of the wefts that Estapé weaves in the space can be contemplated.
In Vinçon, Estapé will work on the store windows facing Paseo de Gracia.
When the work in progress process is finished, a video will show the deconstruction process in a previous work.